medical marijuana 9.22   Supreme Court to consider medical marijuana.
  smoking marijuana 7.44   McWilliams stopped smoking marijuana.
  growing marijuana 2.04   Hemp, it warns, would provide camouflage for growing marijuana.
  medicinal marijuana 1.78   Legalize medicinal marijuana use?
  smoked marijuana 1.58   Ventura has said he has smoked marijuana.
  selling marijuana 1.18   Nonetheless, selling marijuana is still illegal.
  smoke marijuana 0.79   Mom, he asked, did you ever smoke marijuana?
  legalizing marijuana 0.66   Bush and Gore have opposed legalizing marijuana.
  positive marijuana 0.46   Rebagliati, two days before he was temporarily stripped of his medal for a positive marijuana test.
  confiscated marijuana 0.39   The confiscated marijuana plants were to be burned Friday in a police camp in the province.
  distributing marijuana 0.39   Bolshunov said Wednesday that Tobin will also be charged with distributing marijuana.
  large marijuana 0.39   Now the same man is back in court facing large marijuana trafficking charges.
  major marijuana 0.39   It is also a major marijuana producer.
  decriminalizing marijuana 0.33   He also said he was opposed to decriminalizing marijuana.
  colombian marijuana 0.26   Thomas had some Colombian marijuana buds and they smoked them on the way up.
  largest marijuana 0.26   The Bayview nursery was the largest marijuana operation he has seen all year.
  potential marijuana 0.26   The Oakland club then began registering potential marijuana recipients while it awaited a final ruling.
  using marijuana 0.26   He now says using marijuana more than once a week is too much.
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