protest march 28.97   ...a protest march.
  death march 3.36   The death march began.
  funeral march 2.76   The opening funeral march moved swiftly.
  peace march 2.76   The peace march began in Moscow.
  opposition march 1.84   Opposition march halted outside capital.
  student march 1.32   The traditional student march was canceled.
  memorial march 0.66   His remarks were echoed by people in the memorial march.
  year march 0.66   The assassination date has been marked with commemorative Masses and marches each year.
  victory march 0.59   Another victory march.
  candlelight march 0.53   The ceremony was followed by a candlelight march.
  labor march 0.39   Unlike labor marches during the era of white rule, the mass protest by the mainly black workforce came off without violence.
  three-hour march 0.39   Offices were closed during the three-hour march to allow workers to attend.
  six-day march 0.33   Bush began a six-day march to the GOP convention in Philadelphia.
  solidarity march 0.33   Becerril asked citizens to turn out for an evening solidarity march in the city.
  summer march 0.33   Never before have the Orangemen negotiated with Catholics about their British flag-waving summer marches.
  weekend march 0.33   The first round of marches last weekend erupted in violence.
  campaign march 0.26   A downtown campaign march and rally for volunteers and fans is planned for Saturday morning.
  day march 0.26   We have to go on a military march every day.
  far-right march 0.26   Last fall, two far-right marches in Leipzig led to street clashes.
  flag march 0.26   Pegged to a flag protest march planned by the NAACP on MLK Day.
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