long march 11.45   The season of the long march.
  protestant march 6.12   Government blocks Protestant march.
  orange march 2.96   Orange marches often boil over into street violence.
  peaceful march 2.83   There was a heavy police presence for the peaceful march.
  street march 2.57   Street marches are banned during the campaign.
  annual march 2.37   Jews mark annual Auschwitz march.
  similar march 2.30   A similar march is planned for next week.
  planned march 2.17   He stopped to chat about the planned march.
  military march 1.97   We have to go on a military march every day.
  upward march 1.84   Now medical costs have resumed their upward march.
  traditional march 1.71   Many Catholics resent the traditional Orange marches as provocative.
  inexorable march 1.51   And crime had already set out on its inexorable march.
  massive march 1.45   It also led to a massive anti-racism march in Lisbon days afterwards.
  first march 1.38   But the first march of the week was peaceful.
  civil_rights march 1.25   Civil rights marches.
  mass march 1.25   The holiday is not celebrated by mass marches.
  anti-government march 1.18   The action is aimed at preventing anti-government marches.
  smaller march 1.18   A smaller march was held in Guayaquil.
  daily march 1.12   But soon their demands grew, as did the daily marches to Tiananmen.
  silent march 1.12   Overnight Wednesday, students carrying candles staged a silent march from the shelter.
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