violence mar 8.03   Violence mars elections.
  incident mar 1.91   Few incidents marred the day.
  allegation mar 1.71   Fraud allegations marred both rounds of voting.
  charge mar 1.51   But the vote was marred by charges of fraud.
  fraud mar 1.51   Fraud also marred the first round of voting.
  irregularity mar 1.18   One group member said elections for cheerleader spots and other activities have been marred by irregularities.
  clash mar 1.12   Sporadic clashes have marred peace negotiations.
  dispute mar 1.12   The dispute has long marred relations between Russia and Japan.
  report mar 0.79   The voting was marred by reports of cheating.
  tragedy mar 0.79   The triumphs were also marred by tragedy.
  controversy mar 0.72   His brief tenure was marred by controversy.
  accusation mar 0.66   The confidence debate was marred by accusations of payoffs.
  injury mar 0.66   The injury marred an otherwise splendid performance.
  accident mar 0.46   One accident marred the games.
  bloodshed mar 0.39   How can the nation grow if bloodshed mars every succession of national leadership?
  delay mar 0.39   The entire day was marred by delays, protests of fraud, minor scuffles and confusion.
  graffito mar 0.39   Graffiti mars the shabby walls.
  issue mar 0.39   But Kok said Monday the issue will not mar the visit.
  protest mar 0.39   Labor protests have marred other privatization bids in Greece.
  rain mar 0.33   But rain again could mar the best-laid plans.
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