white male 19.68   Also, white males still rule.
  young male 9.74   UPN is going after young males.
  black male 7.57   Black male.
  adult male 6.19   Virtually every adult male smokes.
  alpha male 3.69   Which one is the alpha male?
  american male 2.50   American male.
  dominant male 1.91   A female may on occasion be killed by the dominant male.
  african-american male 1.65   Tillery, an Anglo, rode home with four African-American males, Maddox said.
  angry male 1.51   Remember angry white males?
  the male 1.25   So one of the lesser males takes over.
  older male 1.12   He was an older black male in Muslim attire.
  adolescent male 0.79   So we have another show for adolescent males.
  middle-aged male 0.79   All are middle-aged Anglo males.
  first male 0.72   Travis Walker was the first U.S. male to finish.
  gay male 0.72   Not everyone will identify with what he calls the world of the gay black male.
  southern male 0.72   There are two tenets of Southern male cooking.
  human male 0.66   Human males have nipples and mammary glands, says the researcher.
  single male 0.66   George, a single male, is also a cat.
  average male 0.59   He has already outlived the average Russian male by eight years.
  teenage male 0.59   And how do teenage males tend to behave?
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