be make 16.59   Being at risk makes her feel sexy.
  have make 4.21   Having her period made her cry.
  do make 1.91   To do otherwise makes us hypocritical.
  use make 1.38   Using your hands makes you smart.
  win make 1.32   Winning makes it fun.
  fighting make 1.12   The recent bloody fighting in Borneo makes compelling copy.
  buy make 1.05   So buying more stocks made sense.
  go make 1.05   What different is it going to make to education?
  lose make 0.92   Losing makes you a loser.
  get make 0.79   But getting Castilla makes sense for the Astros.
  look make 0.79   Looking to make the perfect pot of stew?
  add make 0.72   Adding Caesars makes a powerful combination.
  play make 0.72   Playing with Oates makes me a little nervous.
  snowboard make 0.72   Snowboarding makes its Olympic debut at Nagano next month.
  watch make 0.72   Watching this makes me happy.
  try make 0.66   To even try makes it all the more unbearable.
  combine make 0.59   Composites are tough, lightweight materials made by combining fibers and resins.
  fight make 0.59   But Tyson said being allowed to fight again made it all worthwhile.
  keating make 0.59   But Keating may be making a comeback.
  say make 0.59   Just saying the word makes a man feel more muscular.
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