vast majority 123.70   The vast majority live further inland.
  republican majority 41.08   But the Republican majority held firm on other fronts.
  overwhelming majority 39.17   No, says the overwhelming majority.
  simple majority 26.93   A simple majority, mind you!
  parliamentary majority 26.86   Labour increased its parliamentary majority.
  large majority 22.65   The bill was approved by a large majority.
  absolute majority 19.88   An absolute majority was needed to win.
  new majority 16.79   A new majority could then swing sharply to the right.
  great majority 15.60   And the great majority of Haitians revere him.
  clear majority 12.97   None received a clear majority.
  ethnic majority 11.06   Hawaii has no ethnic majority.
  sinhalese majority 10.99   The country has a Sinhalese majority.
  muslim majority 10.53   Lebanon has a Muslim majority.
  albanian majority 9.41   The Albanian majority claims independence.
  slim majority 9.41   He won with a slim majority.
  narrow majority 9.22   Even a narrow majority could trouble the PRI.
  democratic majority 8.69   But the Democratic majority prevailed.
  black majority 8.36   Political control shifted to the black majority.
  outright majority 7.57   Neither man won an outright majority.
  comfortable majority 6.91   He did so with a comfortable majority.
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