fight maintain 3.16   He is fighting to maintain the status quo.
  work maintain 1.91   They have vowed to work to maintain the peso.
  use maintain 1.84   Proceeds would be used to maintain the reserves.
  say maintain 1.12   Who said maintaining your dignity in television was easy?
  deploy maintain 0.72   Riot policemen have been deployed to maintain order, NAN said.
  do maintain 0.66   Q. What do I need to do to maintain a septic tank?
  can maintain 0.46   Do what you can to maintain the finish without removing it.
  opt maintain 0.46   Reluctant to do that, they have opted to maintain their distance from Arafat.
  battle maintain 0.39   In Germany, Deutsche Telekom is battling to maintain recent price increases for local calls.
  maneuver maintain 0.33   But Karadzic is known for his maneuvering to maintain his hold on power.
  win maintain 0.33   Denmark needs to win to maintain hopes of advancing.
  remain maintain 0.26   Enough remains to maintain food on the table.
  strain maintain 0.26   Kemp is straining to maintain a straight face.
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