deliver mail 9.87   Delivering mail.
  receive mail 6.71   One of which is receiving mail from you.
  open mail 6.39   Mail is opened.
  handle mail 5.73   All of them handled mail.
  send mail 5.60   But I could send mail.
  get mail 4.54   Or get mail?
  read mail 3.09   He reads your mail.
  check mail 2.37   You check your mail.
  sort mail 2.30   Sorted mail.
  use mail 1.84   She still uses snail mail for paying bills.
  process mail 1.58   Regular mail is not processed at the center.
  answer mail 1.45   And then answer their mail.
  forward mail 1.45   Mail will be forwarded.
  sanitize mail 1.25   The mail is sanitized with radiation.
  collect mail 1.12   They had to go and collect the mails.
  carry mail 1.05   William Robinson carried mail on the Pony Express.
  have mail 0.86   The next week, I had mail.
  retrieve mail 0.86   Not if you want to retrieve the mail.
  screen mail 0.86   Mail is screened.
  irradiate mail 0.79   How much mail should be irradiated?
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