understand magnitude 1.38   Our guys understand the magnitude.
  realize magnitude 0.79   Once they arrived, they realized the magnitude of the blast.
  know magnitude 0.66   He did not know the magnitude of the aftershock.
  determine magnitude 0.59   The division said it had not yet determined the magnitude of the Myanmar quakes.
  grasp magnitude 0.59   But few in Congress grasped the magnitude of what had happened.
  underestimate magnitude 0.53   It would be impossible to underestimate the magnitude of Manny.
  consider magnitude 0.46   Considering the magnitude of the work, the number of instances is so small.
  recognize magnitude 0.46   State lawmakers recognize the magnitude of the issue, too.
  measure magnitude 0.39   The Richter Scale has no numbers high enough to measure the magnitude of this San Francisco earthquake.
  appreciate magnitude 0.33   But health professionals are beginning to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.
  calculate magnitude 0.33   The center had not yet calculated the magnitude.
  estimate magnitude 0.26   As for estimating the magnitude of fraud, the methodology used is suspect.
  increase magnitude 0.26   The auctioneer increased the magnitude of his smile.
  reflect magnitude 0.26   Nevertheless, the data reflect the magnitude of the impact of agriculture on tropical forest areas.
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