use machine 16.52   I used this machine in my home.
  have machine 5.00   They have the machine.
  buy machine 4.67   So who buys the machines?
  sell machine 4.61   He sells pitching machines.
  build machine 4.28   I still think we should have built this machine.
  make machine 3.95   Rather, every machine is made to order.
  turn machine 3.03   Turn the machine off quick!
  install machine 2.96   He wanted the state to install condom machines.
  operate machine 2.57   Do you know how to operate this machine?
  stop machine 2.30   Stop the machine.
  fax machine 2.17   And fax machines.
  develop machine 1.84   Hood has not only developed machines, however.
  run machine 1.78   Or one can reduce resistance simply by running a machine more slowly.
  introduce machine 1.51   IBM, Sun and Hewlett-Packard Co. all introduced faster machines featuring new chips.
  test machine 1.51   Several companies are now testing digital machines.
  produce machine 1.38   AST will produce the machine at its Fort Worth plant.
  design machine 1.25   ...these thoughtfully designed machines.
  get machine 1.18   If we can get that machine though.
  include machine 1.18   Most malls also include bank machines.
  invent machine 1.18   But in that year the Palffy brothers invented a machine to do it.
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