push lower 14.68   That pushed prices lower.
  drive lower 7.44   A mild winter could drive prices lower.
  send lower 6.91   That sent stocks lower.
  pull lower 5.66   Bonds pulled stocks lower with them.
  keep lower 1.65   And inflation keeps heading lower.
  force lower 0.79   Further price cuts by Asian makers may force prices lower.
  mark lower 0.46   US-traded stocks were marked lower following the sharp decline on Wall Street.
  knock lower 0.39   Treasuries were also knocked lower by traders who plan their strategy based on charts of bond movements.
  make lower 0.39   Make it lower!
  price lower 0.33   The City will be priced substantially lower than the Civic or the Accord.
  set lower 0.33   Buffeted by injuries, Germany is going to the World Cup with its sights set lower than usual.
  rate lower 0.26   The only profession rated lower than president was movie star.
  score lower 0.26   Why do black Americans score so much lower on standardized tests?
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