hit low 9.02   The Gap is hitting new lows.
  reach low 2.63   New contract lows were reached.
  record low 2.17   The rate cut sent bond yields to record lows.
  rank low 1.78   Several other new senators also ranked low.
  score low 1.05   I was surprised to score that low.
  set low 0.99   The Browns set new lows for badness.
  have low 0.86   Food and supplies may have run low.
  bring low 0.72   All those high hopes brought low.
  fly low 0.72   The pilot had been flying too low in his approach.
  beat low 0.59   Karpov then beat Ram low to the stick side for the game-winner.
  keep low 0.46   Another is keeping overhead low.
  near low 0.39   A new poll shows the approval rating for Congress is nearing record lows.
  plumb low 0.39   His premier Alain Juppe has plumbed record lows in opinion poll ratings over the last year.
  give low 0.33   One of the guards gave a low, menacing laugh.
  price low 0.33   No other imports have a base price this low.
  see low 0.33   Lewis saw the lows, too.
  sling low 0.33   Sagging refers to slinging trousers low around the hips.
  get low 0.26   Others get lows.
  maintain low 0.26   Stocks will keep setting new records so long as bond yields maintain their lows.
  post low 0.26   Ditto at Valley Greyhound Park, where a new low was posted last month.
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