feedback loop 2.30   For that, one needs some kind of feedback loop.
  belt loop 1.51   He noticed her belt loops.
  penalty loop 0.72   Six penalty loops are way too much.
  tape loop 0.59   Tape loops went loop-de-loop.
  coolant loop 0.53   Antifreeze fumes continue to leak from coolant loops.
  wire loop 0.53   Pick up the web on this card, as with the wire loop.
  drum loop 0.46   It also offers sounds such as sampled drum loops and human voices.
  triple-toe loop 0.46   She also has a triple-toe loop planned near the end of her program.
  information loop 0.39   If you are out of the information loop, you are hung out to dry.
  throw loop 0.39   Abitbol touched down on a throw triple loop, but it was a small error.
  induction loop 0.33   Some venues have an induction loop fitted to assist hearing aid users.
  film loop 0.26   Film loops, slide sets, audio tapes, played a part.
  lutz-triple loop 0.26   Two years ago, she became the first woman to do a triple lutz-triple loop combination.
  videotape loop 0.26   The elegiac note this passage strikes is soured by the blaring videotape loop of a CBS News feature on Haring.
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