know long 1.97   Enter producer Larry Klein, long known as an advocate of emotion over perfection.
  wait long 1.05   Alas, hardly anyone can wait that long to open it.
  see long 0.92   Nuon Chea, long seen as the number-two behind the late Pol Pot, is with him.
  have long 0.86   But nobody has very long to wait and worry.
  take long 0.59   A gray-haired couple holding hands, taking the long, last look.
  use long 0.59   The portable kind, long used by journalists, were heavy, bulky, and unreliable.
  regard long 0.46   United States Treasury bonds, long regarded as a haven for investors at times of trouble, surged in value.
  accuse long 0.33   Likewise, those of us in the press, long accused of being cynical and suspicious, were unconcerned.
  accustom long 0.33   Layoffs are legal but new to Korean workers, long accustomed to lifetime employment.
  retire long 0.33   A few days ago, I heard from a former colleague, long retired.
  suspect long 0.33   Kadhafi, long suspected by Washington of sponsoring international terrorism,
  view long 0.33   The worst repression was carried out against the lower classes, long viewed by the military as a prime breeding ground for Marxism.
  criticize long 0.26   The WHO, long criticized for not acting against these threats, will help begin to fill the gap, said CDC infectious disease expert Dr. Ruth Berkelman.
  dominate long 0.26   For Moscow, it was a significant breakthrough into the Southeast Asian defence market, long dominated by the United States, analysts said.
  pass long 0.26   They pass a long, winding crack in the paved street he does re-member.
  seek long 0.26   Some of the files, long sought by investigators, eventually surfaced.
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