daily log 1.05   This is from a daily log kept by one or more interrogators.
  floating log 0.86   Or that it was a floating log.
  fallen log 0.72   Moss covered the fallen logs.
  old log 0.72   Guyette finds a worldly practicality in the old logs.
  illegal log 0.66   Tonnes and tonnes of illegal logs.
  huge log 0.59   He trains by hauling huge logs across Siberian snowfields.
  big log 0.46   A big log fire was blazing in the fireplace.
  detailed log 0.46   Keep a detailed log of incidents and disciplinary actions.
  large log 0.46   The large log basket can be used to tidy toys away.
  oak log 0.46   Shiitake like oak logs.
  hollow log 0.39   Wishing up a hollow log?
  artificial log 0.33   The artificial log fire was burning brightly.
  burning log 0.33   Teresa wondered if the burning log might set fire to the curtains.
  giant log 0.33   They crawled through giant logs.
  thick log 0.33   The tied-up human went to sleep after a while, and snored like someone sawing a thick log with a thin saw.
  unprocessed log 0.33   The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs.
  downed log 0.26   In the thick of the forests, the same effect occurred with tree trunks, downed logs and lichen-covered rocks.
  felled log 0.26   Some Indian groups have joined the strike, blocking rural highways with felled logs and rocks.
  largest log 0.26   It is the largest Russian log building in North America.
  raw log 0.26   Furthermore, without its own timber concession, CWI is exposed to fluctuation in prices of raw logs.
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