hotel lobby 18.10   Its hotel lobby.
  gun lobby 11.59   The gun lobby?
  business lobby 3.82   The business lobby is too strong, they say.
  tobacco lobby 2.30   Does the tobacco lobby live on?
  farm lobby 1.71   France worries that its powerful farm lobby will revolt against subsidy cuts.
  industry lobby 1.18   Was it the gambling industry lobby in Washington?
  bank lobby 1.12   The bank lobby went along with this.
  theater lobby 0.92   Another battle front is in theater lobbies.
  entrance lobby 0.72   It will have its own entrance lobby separate from the office lobby.
  small-business lobby 0.72   The small-business lobby opposes an increase.
  hospital lobby 0.66   Yon shouted in the hospital lobby.
  airport lobby 0.53   Many passengers did not realize what happened until they were gathered in the airport lobby, the report said.
  museum lobby 0.53   The museum lobby feels corporate and chilly.
  office lobby 0.53   It will have its own entrance lobby separate from the office lobby.
  courthouse lobby 0.46   She was visibly upset when Kunstler tried to comfort her afterward in the federal courthouse lobby.
  alcohol lobby 0.39   But the alcohol lobby saw the legislation differently.
  exile lobby 0.39   Sweig noted that the Cuban exile lobby has almost always had its way in Washington.
  right lobby 0.39   The gay rights lobby says its ready to fight again on the issue.
  beer lobby 0.33   The beer lobby would not discuss the pricing allegations, however.
  elevator lobby 0.33   They also plan to recreate the ornate, two-story-high elevator lobby.
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