use link 1.65   Modems are used to link computers over telephone lines.
  be link 0.72   Linking the pavilions were the one-story dormitories for the students.
  believe link 0.59   Saeed is believed linked to Jaish-e-Mohammed, a radical group banned last month by Musharraf.
  emerge link 0.46   But no proof has ever emerged linking the guerrillas and their leaders to the blasts.
  build link 0.39   He added that a road might also be built linking Ashdod directly to Amman.
  find link 0.39   When he finds evidence linking Loan to the murders, things really heat up.
  have link 0.33   Critics charged, however, that police did not have proof linking the suspects to the attacks.
  freeze link 0.26   Although the EU has moved to freeze assets linked to terrorist groups, Powell called for more far-reaching measures there too.
  release link 0.26   No specific evidence has been released linking bin Laden to the newly alleged bombing plot.
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