criminal libel 1.78   Criminal libel was removed from New Zealand law nearly a decade ago.
  alleged libel 0.39   It sued Meeks for alleged libel.
  british libel 0.26   But because of tough British libel laws, they cannot buy the book in British stores or even read about it in British newspapers.
  civil libel 0.26   At the time, civil libel actions did not menace that freedom.
  english libel 0.26   The victory left Lipstadt with an unusually personal understanding of the vagaries of English libel law.
  failed libel 0.26   It followed a failed libel action by journalist Jani Allan over a programme revealing their affair.
  pending libel 0.26   Scores of other journalists still face pending libel charges.
  possible libel 0.26   Accusing the STT agency of possible libel, Rasanen has demanded that police investigate the case.
  seditious libel 0.26   The bishops were sent to the Tower on the grounds that their petition was seditious libel.
  separate libel 0.26   Despite the apology, Lee filed a separate libel suit against the newspaper and Lingle.
  two-way libel 0.26   The bitter two-way libel fight heads to the jury Monday.
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