political leverage 3.23   Political leverage is.
  greater leverage 1.78   Washington has greater leverage outside the United Nations.
  considerable leverage 1.65   Japan has considerable leverage in Peru.
  bargaining leverage 1.58   The KNU, however, has increasingly little bargaining leverage.
  negotiating leverage 1.45   Feherty did not dicker, equivocate or apply negotiating leverage.
  new leverage 1.38   Chinese wield new political leverage.
  enormous leverage 1.05   Any small GOP faction will now have enormous leverage.
  great leverage 0.92   Great leverage.
  financial leverage 0.72   Early decision also gives colleges more financial leverage.
  tremendous leverage 0.66   The plus side is that we have tremendous leverage.
  diplomatic leverage 0.59   Diplomatic leverage, however, is limited.
  economic leverage 0.53   He did not elaborate on how economic leverage might be applied.
  legal leverage 0.53   That gave the record industry the legal leverage it needs to force Napster to shut down.
  only leverage 0.53   But even these days, many temps say a code of conduct is the only leverage they have.
  important leverage 0.46   The huge U.S. trade deficit actually gives Washington important leverage.
  powerful leverage 0.46   That gives Congress some powerful leverage.
  additional leverage 0.39   Place a wood block wrapped in cloth under the pry bar for additional leverage.
  better leverage 0.39   The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.
  key leverage 0.39   In Florida and New Jersey, Cuban-Americans form powerful voting blocs, giving them key leverage in the presidential electoral counts.
  maximum leverage 0.39   An ideal date means maximum leverage in negotiations.
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