resignation letter 11.59   I dictated a resignation letter to my secretary.
  love letter 11.26   Mint love letters?
  protest letter 10.27   No protest letters.
  anthrax letter 3.82   Are anthrax letters foreign or domestic terrorism?
  rejection letter 2.83   They sent me a rejection letter.
  week letter 2.63   M. sent me another letter this week.
  acceptance letter 2.04   Clark framed that acceptance letter.
  business letter 1.91   It was found to contain a business letter.
  farewell letter 1.91   The farewell letter to friends has been mailed.
  two-page letter 1.65   The two-page letters deny the Holocaust.
  three-page letter 1.32   Causey disputed her opinion in a three-page letter to her.
  one-page letter 1.18   The one-page letter was a suicide note.
  e-mail letter 1.05   Sending an e-mail love letter?
  side letter 1.05   The side letter advised her to take independent advice.
  complaint letter 0.99   You can write a complaint letter to upper management.
  four-page letter 0.99   The lawyers wrote a four-page letter asking for a hearing.
  holiday letter 0.99   Trouble writing holiday letter?
  notification letter 0.99   However, the ante rises with each notification letter.
  termination letter 0.99   Formal termination letters were expected to be issued this weekend.
  year letter 0.99   The FDA sends hundreds of warning letters every year.
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