will let 1.51   Are the Sox willing to let Mo play it out?
  be let 1.05   If they are afraid, let them be so.
  stop let 0.99   The truckers are the only ones who stop to let me cross.
  pause let 0.92   He paused to let this news sink in.
  open let 0.79   The roof opens to let light stream into the room.
  call let 0.66   He called to let me know about the announcement.
  use let 0.59   All let the campaigns use their star power.
  better let 0.53   Better to let the kids play some of everything.
  opt let 0.53   Yesterday, he opted to let the bill go by unchallenged.
  know let 0.46   And if you figure out what it is, please let me know.
  can let 0.33   The snow was banked in humps at the roadside but I pulled in as much as I could to let him pass.
  part let 0.33   The crowd parted to let the truck pass.
  say let 0.33   Please let me say, Helen, that I have the very greatest affection and respect for you.
  do let 0.26   If you do, you let the bombers win.
  get let 0.26   He was close to Giacomin, so why not let him get it?
  go let 0.26   We cannot let a news cycle go by, not even let several hours go by.
  set_up let 0.26   And committees have been set up to let people with AIDS have a say in how they are run.
  slow let 0.26   Again the team slowed to let him catch up.
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