dissolve legislature 3.16   The local legislature was dissolved on Friday.
  disband legislature 2.50   China vows to disband legislature.
  elect legislature 2.50   A new legislature was elected in May.
  control legislature 2.11   The PRI controls the legislature.
  dominate legislature 0.79   Passage is expected since the governing left dominates the legislature.
  lobby legislature 0.79   They were told to lobby the legislature.
  replace legislature 0.72   China has promised the provisional legislature will be replaced by an elected one after a year.
  address legislature 0.66   Patten was to address the legislature later Wednesday.
  suspend legislature 0.66   The legislature was suspended, but not dissolved.
  have legislature 0.53   Nevis also has a legislature of its own.
  dismiss legislature 0.46   Four provincial legislatures were also dismissed.
  enter legislature 0.46   A security guard said it had been impossible to prevent the protesters entering the legislature.
  state legislature 0.46   Instead, it leaves the matter to state legislatures.
  choose legislature 0.39   Half the legislature will be chosen from so-called functional constituencies.
  create legislature 0.39   Hong Kong governor furious at China for creating new legislature.
  pass legislature 0.39   He is confident that something like it will pass the legislature.
  appoint legislature 0.33   Previously, the legislature was partly appointed.
  boycott legislature 0.33   Opposition members are boycotting the legislature.
  bypass legislature 0.33   Law experts also criticized the procedure used to make the tax law because it bypassed the legislature.
  convene legislature 0.33   In the past few weeks, the NLD has threatened to finally convene the legislature on its own.
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