state legislature 62.28   A growing number of state legislatures agree.
  new legislature 13.36   A new legislature was elected in May.
  provisional legislature 13.36   Do you support the provisional legislature?
  national legislature 9.81   The national legislature meets next month.
  elected legislature 7.37   There is no elected legislature.
  provincial legislature 5.40   Four provincial legislatures were also dismissed.
  palestinian legislature 4.67   Member of the Palestinian legislature.
  local legislature 3.29   The local legislature was dissolved on Friday.
  current legislature 2.11   About two-thirds of the current legislature opposes Walesa.
  last legislature 1.65   China dissolved the last legislature because it objected to the election rules.
  regional legislature 1.38   The regional legislature blocked the project.
  federal legislature 1.18   Both houses of the federal legislature have to approve the appointment.
  outgoing legislature 1.18   The divided Arab lists held only five seats in the outgoing legislature.
  interim legislature 1.05   He was confident it would be passed by the interim legislature.
  chinese legislature 0.99   Chinese legislature opens annual session.
  first legislature 0.92   Step toward first legislature under Chinese rule.
  joint legislature 0.92   They also elected a joint legislature and joint presidency.
  russian legislature 0.92   She later represented St. Petersburg in the Russian legislature.
  appointed legislature 0.79   Li openly supported the provisional appointed legislature.
  existing legislature 0.79   Right now a liberalized anti-subversion law is going through the existing legislature.
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