be leave 6.32   Left unsaid is that an age limit is a Band-Aid.
  turn leave 3.49   I turn to leave.
  opt leave 2.70   NHRA opted to leave the rules alone.
  die leave 1.84   But Er died leaving his wife, Tamar, without child.
  rise leave 1.38   She rises to leave.
  open leave 1.32   Ward agreed, but left the door open for further debate.
  say leave 1.25   Dozier called back and said Miller left alone, angry.
  pack leave 1.05   Was he packing to leave?
  return leave 0.79   Allaire and Romeril failed to return messages left for them, the Journal said.
  single leave 0.79   Jose Valentin singled to left to score Mieske.
  fend leave 0.59   Eventually David is cast out, and left to fend for himself.
  go leave 0.59   Her first kick went wide left, the second wide right.
  flee leave 0.53   Apparently unhurt, they fled leaving the charge at the entrance, police said.
  join leave 0.53   Schwartz worked briefly for Helmsley, then left to join the Spear Co.
  clear leave 0.46   It was not clear when the ship would be cleared to leave.
  apply leave 0.39   In September, the prisoners were told they could apply to leave for third countries.
  bear leave 0.39   But she said she cannot bear to leave her home state.
  dry leave 0.39   The eggs are then disinfected and left to dry.
  fill leave 0.39   Like other airlines, Virgin is already increasing flights out of Brussels, filling gaps left by Sabena.
  shoot leave 0.39   Rabin was shot leaving a peace rally for the Oslo Accord.
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