child learn 32.59   Children learn by copying.
  student learn 25.35   But the students are learning more.
  people learn 17.18   How do how do people learn?
  official learn 9.87   Officials learned of its existence only after it was breached.
  kid learn 7.70   Kids learn fast.
  company learn 7.11   The company learned its lesson.
  scientist learn 6.91   The scientists learned something.
  police learn 5.13   Even the police have learned that now.
  team learn 5.13   This team has learned how to win.
  authority learn 5.00   The plan was foiled when authorities learned of it.
  player learn 4.81   Not every player learns how to relax.
  man learn 4.34   But a man can learn.
  government learn 4.28   Does government ever learn?
  investigator learn 4.21   State licensing investigators learn the same way.
  woman learn 4.21   Some women never learn.
  lesson learn 4.02   Lesson learned?
  investor learn 3.82   Investors learned that much last week.
  doctor learn 3.55   Do doctors learn to see only what the role requires?
  family learn 3.49   The Maccioni family learned this trick long ago.
  parent learn 3.29   Other parents are learning, too.
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