great leap 5.53   No great creative leaps there.
  giant leap 4.15   It was not a giant leap.
  big leap 3.23   It was a big leap for me.
  huge leap 3.16   This was one huge leap.
  vertical leap 1.71   It was a vertical leap of faith.
  major leap 1.12   There, too, major leaps forward can be made.
  technological leap 1.12   None of this would require a major technological leap.
  biggest leap 1.05   It represented the biggest leap of his career.
  next leap 1.05   The next big leap, of course, would be to send an astronaut to Mars.
  flying leap 0.72   He told them to take a flying leap.
  enormous leap 0.66   The new video disk represents an enormous leap forward in that capacity.
  short leap 0.66   It is a very short leap from euphoria to despair and back again.
  imaginative leap 0.53   But audiences were accustomed to such imaginative leaps.
  final leap 0.46   Legislation stalled in Congress may make final leap to passage.
  large leap 0.46   A large leap toward winter occurs in November.
  same leap 0.46   Independently, they underwent the same leap into modernity.
  such leap 0.46   She is capable of such a leap.
  conceptual leap 0.39   Famie never made this daring conceptual leap.
  dramatic leap 0.39   But there is another way to look at the dramatic leap.
  first leap 0.39   In March, the stock took its first huge leap as Internet stocks began to take off.
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