miss layup 3.55   Then he missed a layup.
  make layup 2.57   Make a layup?
  hit layup 0.66   Givens quickly grabbed a deflection and hit a layup.
  attempt layup 0.59   He missed a reverse layup, collected the rebound, and attempted another layup.
  convert layup 0.59   But the officials ruled Foster converted the layup in time after scooping up a loose ball.
  score layup 0.46   He scored a layup to start the extra period.
  have layup 0.39   If you stay with the post, they have the layup.
  shoot layup 0.39   At practice the next day, they taught the tall, skinny new kid how to shoot a layup.
  block layup 0.26   As an encore, Ewing then blocked a layup by Jamal Mashburn.
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