labor law 44.57   Does this break any labor laws?
  tax law 43.32   And tax laws are complicated.
  election law 40.49   But U.S. election law bars such contributions.
  immigration law 40.42   A look at immigration law.
  security law 37.33   I never took securities law.
  campaign law 28.37   Changing the campaign laws.
  draft law 25.94   A draft law offers a wide amnesty.
  finance law 23.17   But he said he abided by all campaign finance laws.
  bankruptcy law 19.68   A working familiarity with bankruptcy law...
  gun law 19.09   Calls for tougher gun laws.
  welfare law 18.83   Congress rewrote the welfare laws.
  privacy law 14.29   European nations have data privacy laws.
  drug law 12.77   Drug laws are getting tougher.
  amnesty law 11.98   The amnesty law dates to the Reagan era.
  press law 10.53   I disagree with him on the press law.
  trade law 9.28   We need a new trade law or review the existing one.
  protection law 8.43   The bank denies violating any consumer protection laws.
  counsel law 7.97   The independent counsel law may have lapsed.
  reform law 7.57   Nano promised new reform laws along those lines.
  secrecy law 6.91   Now, it says, bank secrecy laws prevent disclosure.
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