molten lava 2.30   Lava, molten lava from a vol volcano.
  hot lava 1.05   Helicopters have doused the hot lava with water.
  black lava 0.92   Past eruptions have left frozen rivers of black lava.
  volcanic lava 0.72   The city was entombed in volcanic lava.
  hardened lava 0.59   Park yourself on a hardened old lava ledge and prepare to gape.
  red lava 0.59   A red lava lamp glowed.
  glowing lava 0.46   Glowing red lava shot like fireworks into the sky.
  basaltic lava 0.33   Basaltic lava flowed up through cracks in the limestone under the area, creating a plateau.
  flowing lava 0.33   She calculates the speed of flowing lava with cool aplomb.
  main lava 0.33   The station is located near one of the main lava flows, but the lava has cooled enough for people to walk across it.
  red-hot lava 0.33   Volcanologists said it was also spewing out red-hot lava.
  old lava 0.26   Around its base, old lava flows are covered with snow.
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