first launch 3.75   The first launch is set for next year.
  commercial launch 3.23   Ivanov gave no details of the commercial launch for Chile.
  successful launch 3.23   Each side congratulated the other on the successful launch.
  official launch 3.09   The official launch was due to take place later Monday.
  new launch 2.11   A new launch date has not been set.
  planned launch 2.04   The timing of the planned launch of services was not disclosed.
  accidental launch 1.58   There is a threat of an accidental launch of a missile.
  failed launch 1.32   That is because viewers have seen too many failed launches.
  future launch 1.18   Accidents affect future launch costs.
  second launch 1.18   Technical problems dogged the second launch.
  motor launch 1.12   Boat building, mainly for yachts and motor launches, is done in many small yards.
  recent launch 1.05   The product has just been unveiled in Southeast Asia at a recent launch in Singapore.
  chinese launch 0.99   It was the first time that Intelsat had used a Chinese launch rocket, he said.
  formal launch 0.99   Work will make a formal launch of its service within a few weeks, he added.
  next launch 0.92   The next launch will be in Taiwan.
  scheduled launch 0.86   The scheduled launch of Cassini was originally set for Monday.
  initial launch 0.79   What are the size of the funds on the initial launch?
  russian launch 0.66   Other areas of cooperation include Russian launches of U.S. satellites.
  major launch 0.59   Major launches were thin on the ground.
  small launch 0.59   The tanker was a small launch converted to carry fuel between Zamboanga and nearby islands.
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