make late 3.55   And making delivery late.
  leave late 2.11   AZ left it late to salvage a point.
  get late 1.18   We got here late.
  report late 1.05   The panel is due to report late next year.
  call late 0.66   Call him Late for the Sky.
  hold late 0.59   They most likely will be held late this week, officials said.
  break late 0.53   That string was broken late last year.
  find late 0.53   A nice try, yet, he finds himself late at night lying awake in bed.
  file late 0.46   That helped the defense team change its mind, according to a motion filed late last month.
  cut late 0.33   Farmers and trainers also say the flavor of the hay cut late is different as well.
  have late 0.33   Quartey had openings late in the next round to land two right hands but was short with both.
  consider late 0.26   First, it was considered too late to the party behind the likes of CompuServe and Prodigy.
  drive late 0.26   Burkhalter said he was driving home late at night and noticed his signs missing.
  pull late 0.26   Philadelphia pulled close late in the fourth quarter but never got closer than four.
  set late 0.26   The plans to return were set late last week, and the family members prepared to go home.
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