have lapse 2.57   Heade had lapses.
  suffer lapse 1.32   He suffered another lapse.
  acknowledge lapse 0.39   Deutch has publicly acknowledged his lapses and apologized.
  find lapse 0.39   The investigation also found regulatory lapses within the firm, Gruntal said.
  let lapse 0.39   If magazines pile up, let subscriptions lapse.
  prevent lapse 0.39   Finkel works hard to prevent such lapses.
  forgive lapse 0.33   But silent-film buffs are usually willing to forgive such lapses.
  show lapse 0.33   But even the Maritime Museum has shown lapses.
  blame lapse 0.26   One engineer blamed the lapse on a deceased former co-worker.
  investigate lapse 0.26   Police said they are still investigating the lapse in security.
  uncover lapse 0.26   An internal inquiry uncovered lapses by managers in controls and decisions before and after the merger, UBS said.
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