political landscape 19.68   His words transformed the political landscape.
  american landscape 6.71   It is a medieval vision in an American landscape.
  new landscape 3.95   A new landscape is taking shape.
  urban landscape 3.88   The heartless gray urban landscape breeds fire.
  economic landscape 2.96   The economic landscape in Japan is grim.
  changing landscape 2.90   They are finding a changing landscape.
  competitive landscape 2.24   The competitive landscape changes.
  natural landscape 1.91   The structure falls into a natural landscape.
  beautiful landscape 1.78   We have the most beautiful landscape.
  local landscape 1.78   But the local landscape has been transformed.
  cultural landscape 1.71   His popularity gives him a place in the cultural landscape.
  rural landscape 1.71   Even part of the rural landscape.
  barren landscape 1.58   It is now an utterly barren landscape.
  lunar landscape 1.51   Outside, a lunar landscape sheds a ghastly radiance.
  bleak landscape 1.32   The reductions occur in an already bleak commercial landscape.
  desolate landscape 1.25   Schellenberg glanced around at the desolate landscape.
  corporate landscape 1.18   The corporate landscape changed radically for the better.
  lush landscape 1.18   Lush green landscapes beneath crystal-blue skies.
  changed landscape 1.12   Democrats clearly hope that Bush will recognize the changed political landscape.
  chinese landscape 1.05   He was a founder of the Chinese monumental landscape style.
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