sell land 23.37   The land was sold for development.
  buy land 22.12   He bought land.
  own land 19.95   They own land in Alaska.
  use land 12.44   The land will be used for recreation.
  clear land 11.78   They cleared some land to grow crops.
  take land 7.90   They took the land.
  lease land 7.24   It leases the land from the state.
  acquire land 7.11   It can also acquire land.
  seize land 6.85   Some seized the land.
  confiscate land 6.78   Their lands were confiscated.
  develop land 5.79   The land was developed for low-cost housing.
  occupy land 5.79   Then they occupied this land.
  work land 5.73   He could not work his land anymore.
  hit land 5.66   Never hit land.
  return land 5.40   They wanted the land returned.
  purchase land 5.27   But no land has been purchased.
  protect land 4.94   The plan took some pains to protect the land.
  reclaim land 4.74   Now, I have reclaimed land.
  give land 4.34   It gave land to the poor.
  have land 3.95   He had land.
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