plane land 34.76   No planes land.
  shell land 12.38   No shells were landing on Sarajevo.
  helicopter land 9.61   The helicopter landed nearby.
  rocket land 7.11   Four other rockets landed nearby.
  ball land 6.78   The ball landed with a thud.
  aircraft land 5.53   The other aircraft landed safely.
  flight land 5.07   All the flights landed safely.
  missile land 4.67   Nearly half the missiles landed wide.
  foreman land 3.36   Foreman landed a jab.
  bomb land 3.23   A bomb had landed in the garden.
  jet land 2.83   Jets landed.
  shot land 2.44   Alas, the shot landed in the left bunker.
  pilot land 2.24   In those cases, the pilots safely landed the jets.
  round land 1.65   Several rounds landed in nearby fields.
  troop land 1.65   Troops landed three days later.
  airliner land 1.12   The airliner landed safely.
  mortar land 1.12   Three mortars landed east of Sedrenik, she said.
  punch land 1.12   At least the second punch landed.
  man land 1.05   Men have landed on the moon.
  shuttle land 1.05   Shuttle lands as crew faces inquiry into mistakes.
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