apparent lack 6.52   Alarmed at the apparent lack of care.
  general lack 5.86   Looting and the general lack of security continues.
  total lack 5.27   It showed a total lack of empathy.
  complete lack 4.81   Its chief flaw is a complete lack of balance.
  relative lack 4.21   Their relative lack of body fat ruled.
  perceived lack 3.82   Thus, the perceived lack of fireflies.
  utter lack 2.30   ...this utter lack of responsibility.
  serious lack 1.84   This approach showed a serious lack of understanding.
  same lack 1.78   Venezuelans suffer from the same lack of action.
  distinct lack 1.71   It suffers from a distinct lack of power.
  chronic lack 1.65   Chronic lack of imagination.
  continued lack 1.45   So does the continued lack of cooperation by the White House.
  obvious lack 1.38   The worst of it was their obvious lack of spirit and drive.
  severe lack 1.32   There is a severe lack of confidence amongst our players.
  alleged lack 1.25   Critics sometimes challenged his scholarship for its alleged lack of rigor.
  seeming lack 1.25   Our only disappointment was the seeming lack of bird life.
  a lack 1.18   There was a certain lack of caution among investors.
  current lack 1.18   The current lack of demand shows up in several ways.
  recent lack 1.12   There has been recent lack of rain.
  surprising lack 1.12   He shows a surprising lack of concern for others.
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