record label 41.47   Christian record labels are becoming bolder.
  major label 17.51   It was his first record on a major label.
  warning label 16.26   But there is no warning label.
  new label 8.10   The new labels ....
  private label 6.65   The benefits of private label are clear.
  independent label 6.19   He started an independent label.
  designer label 5.66   No designer labels.
  small label 2.96   All record for small labels.
  party label 2.44   The party labels meant little, though.
  different label 1.78   Rich recorded for several different labels.
  wine label 1.78   A successful wine label.
  recording label 1.51   An effort to start a homegrown recording label also failed.
  classical label 1.45   Still, how did this disk find its way to a classical record label?
  big label 1.38   He said he has no problem working with a big label.
  political label 1.38   And they could defy political labels.
  mailing label 1.18   Are mailing labels jamming your laser printer?
  old label 1.18   But this time the old label fits.
  american label 1.05   Q. Were many American record labels aware of your music?
  german label 0.92   German labels have rarely broken new ground.
  jazz label 0.79   It is perfect offering for Delmark, esteemed as a jazz label.
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