first kiss 3.88   A first kiss.
  big kiss 1.65   He gave her a big kiss.
  quick kiss 1.05   A quick kiss and hug.
  blowing kiss 0.86   She was blowing kisses to him.
  passionate kiss 0.86   SEX A few passionate kisses.
  sloppy kiss 0.79   He gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
  long kiss 0.72   Maria clutched Johanna tighter and gave her a long kiss.
  chaste kiss 0.59   SEX Two chaste kisses.
  blown kiss 0.53   Blown kisses.
  wet kiss 0.53   A really wet kiss.
  chocolate kiss 0.46   Three juicy stamps equals one chocolate kiss.
  last kiss 0.46   She could still feel that last tender kiss.
  traditional kiss 0.46   She was reward with the traditional kiss from the verger, Nigel Pond.
  tender kiss 0.39   It was a tender kiss, full of promise.
  light kiss 0.33   He gave her a light kiss on parting.
  public kiss 0.33   And why did she merit the public kiss?
  single kiss 0.33   Hali and his associates, proud of not having a single kiss in the entire series, were horrified.
  stolen kiss 0.33   In the beginning it was just stolen kisses and mock wrestling on the living-room floor.
  them kiss 0.33   She blew them kisses.
  gentle kiss 0.26   In the morning he woke her with gentle kisses.
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