donate kidney 3.09   Her kidneys also were donated.
  remove kidney 3.03   His kidney was removed.
  damage kidney 1.25   It can damage the kidneys, heart, skin and other organs.
  receive kidney 1.05   Last year, he received a kidney from his brother Noel.
  have kidney 0.86   I have two kidneys.
  destroy kidney 0.79   Mrs. Herrera needed the transplant because diabetes had destroyed her kidney.
  give kidney 0.79   A kidney was given.
  sell kidney 0.79   Toy kidneys can be sold, but real ones are illegal.
  transplant kidney 0.59   His kidney was transplanted in his daughter.
  lose kidney 0.46   How he lost a kidney.
  get kidney 0.39   Yesterday, he got his kidney.
  prevent kidney 0.39   The condition prevented his kidneys from properly filtering waste from the blood.
  attack kidney 0.33   In the worst cases, the bacteria attacks the kidneys, causing serious damage and sometimes death.
  bruise kidney 0.33   He suffered lacerations and bruised kidneys.
  include kidney 0.33   He lost nearly all his blood, which damaged other organs, including the kidneys.
  need kidney 0.33   I told him I was on dialysis and needed a kidney.
  reject kidney 0.33   It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago.
  use kidney 0.33   However, in Europe and Japan, doctors have started using kidneys from newly dead people whose hearts have stopped beating.
  harm kidney 0.26   The drugs make patients more susceptible to cancer and can harm the kidneys.
  harvest kidney 0.26   The council said it had sufficient evidence to show that surgeon Sirot Kanchanapanchaphol and his colleagues improperly harvested kidneys.
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