end justify 4.21   The end justified the means.
  government justify 1.71   The government justified the move.
  official justify 1.32   The report did not explain exactly how the officials justified their decision.
  earnings justify 1.18   Higher earnings justify higher stock prices.
  administration justify 0.79   The Clinton administration justifies its attitude toward Sinn Fein by citing the cease-fire in Northern Ireland.
  result justify 0.79   The results justify the expense.
  circumstance justify 0.72   Such a circumstance justifies a warrantless entry, he said.
  company justify 0.72   But do those companies justify their prices?
  condition justify 0.66   Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.
  authority justify 0.59   The authorities justified the decision citing fears for public safety.
  evidence justify 0.59   The new evidence justified the new charges, he said.
  prospect justify 0.53   These prospects justify congressional as well as public patience.
  people justify 0.46   To satisfy their greed, some people justify all means to achieve their goal.
  argument justify 0.39   No argument can justify a war.
  benefit justify 0.39   The issue is whether the benefits justify the costs.
  growth justify 0.39   The belief that growth will justify any price is still alive.
  report justify 0.39   The strong retail sales report would justify such a move, economists said.
  action justify 0.33   But he said his actions would not justify his being banned from South Africa.
  interest justify 0.33   But that interest does not justify an unnecessarily broad suppression of speech addressed to adults.
  leader justify 0.33   Israeli leaders justified the attack alleging the plant would help Iraq make nuclear weapons.
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