tell juror 6.91   Cochran told jurors.
  question juror 5.20   Six jurors were questioned Thursday.
  dismiss juror 4.87   No juror can be dismissed.
  ask juror 2.24   Balfe asked jurors.
  sequester juror 2.24   The jurors were not sequestered.
  select juror 1.65   No jurors have been selected.
  excuse juror 1.58   The juror was excused.
  instruct juror 1.58   Then the judge was to instruct the jurors and give them the case.
  interview juror 1.58   Connolly also interviewed jurors.
  remove juror 1.58   An alternate juror must be called up if two jurors are removed.
  send juror 1.25   The judge has sent the jurors to a hotel overnight.
  identify juror 0.92   He declined to identify the jurors.
  prejudice juror 0.92   Raggi said it could prejudice jurors against Abu Maizar.
  admonish juror 0.86   Jurors have been admonished to avoid media coverage of the case.
  influence juror 0.86   But the court agreed that some of the publicity was likely to influence jurors.
  replace juror 0.86   The dismissed juror was replaced with an African-American.
  sway juror 0.86   He said such information might have swayed the jurors not to sentence McVeigh to death.
  take juror 0.86   Jurors were taken away in a van under police escort.
  keep juror 0.79   Robbins fought hard to keep jurors from hearing the tape.
  remind juror 0.79   Something, perhaps, to remind jurors of former Detective Mark Fuhrman.
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