military junta 29.62   A military junta rules Burma.
  ruling junta 11.45   The ruling junta seized their assets.
  burmese junta 6.78   The Burmese military junta is equally stubborn.
  former junta 3.23   Former junta soldiers kidnap dozens.
  haitian junta 1.12   What of the crimes of the Haitian junta?
  ousted junta 0.99   The ousted junta promised them these things.
  senior junta 0.99   Another senior junta member, Capt. Saint Cyr Djikalou, also defected, Sama said.
  current junta 0.66   The current military junta refused to accept the results of those polls.
  nigerian junta 0.66   Moshood Abiola will go free, the Nigerian junta says, along with every other political prisoner.
  top junta 0.53   Newspapers said top junta leaders and the Chinese ambassador went to inspect the site.
  previous junta 0.46   The previous junta had staged and then voided elections for a civilian president in June that year.
  fleeing junta 0.39   ICRC officials said that fleeing junta fighters stole five vehicles and medical supplies from the relief agency.
  civilian junta 0.33   The three officers called on Chavez to step down and for civilian junta to organize new presidential elections.
  new junta 0.33   His comments followed international condemnation of the new junta.
  governing junta 0.26   She supported the Sandinista revolution that took power that year and was a member of the governing junta.
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