big jump 10.66   A further big jump is unlikely.
  quadruple jump 7.37   And, oh, perform a quadruple jump.
  first jump 5.86   It was her first jump.
  second jump 3.75   And he also has a quick second jump.
  final jump 2.63   The final jump is on Wednesday.
  huge jump 2.57   A huge jump.
  biggest jump 2.37   Brady made the biggest jump.
  large jump 2.24   Presstek shares often rise and fall in large jumps.
  sharp jump 2.24   The immediate impact was a sharp jump in interest rates.
  good jump 2.11   I got a good jump on it.
  last jump 1.84   The leading horse went down at the last jump.
  recent jump 1.65   One sign has been a recent jump in stock prices.
  difficult jump 1.25   She had great speed, and her difficult jumps looked easy.
  unexpected jump 1.18   Another warning signal was a report of an unexpected jump in unemployment.
  longest jump 1.12   Those are the longest jumps ever in Finland.
  early jump 0.99   Crude oil prices fell after an early jump.
  best jump 0.86   My best jumps were competitive with elite women.
  little jump 0.86   James Barlow gave a little jump.
  sudden jump 0.86   Talk about a sudden jump!
  next jump 0.79   My next jump, a double axel, was fine.
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