trade journal 4.48   And its trade journals wield power in that business.
  science journal 1.71   Even today, his work pops up frequently in science journals.
  law journal 1.05   It can also search law journals.
  industry journal 0.99   Initial reviews from book industry journals are ecstatic.
  specialist journal 0.99   The study is published in a specialist journal, Alcohol.
  research journal 0.53   The study was based on reports in research journals and detailed interviews.
  poetry journal 0.46   Zhou is also a poet and former editor of a poetry journal.
  art journal 0.39   The show is on the February cover of the major international art journal Artforum.
  business journal 0.39   Business journals still regularly refer to China as the next superpower.
  education journal 0.39   Much that passes for research in education journals is purely descriptive, Grossen said.
  policy journal 0.33   Nobody would ever call Cheko a serious policy journal.
  week journal 0.33   Each week trade journals bring reports of more bugs and glitches.
  cancer journal 0.26   Her breast cancer journal provides the reading material.
  health journal 0.26   Their study is being published today in the health economics journal Inquiry.
  opinion journal 0.26   The outsiders work through various power centers, including the conservative American Enterprise Institute, and such opinion journals as The Weekly Standard.
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