first jolt 0.92   The first crash jolts me awake.
  second jolt 0.72   And then the second big jolt hit.
  biggest jolt 0.59   This year, Whale is receiving the biggest jolt of attention ever.
  good jolt 0.53   However, the Starbucks site looks like it needs a good jolt of its own product.
  sharp jolt 0.53   It felt like a sharp jolt to Danny Sharma, a manager at Rodeway Inn in Gilroy.
  big jolt 0.46   And then the second big jolt hit.
  seismic jolt 0.46   Yet another newspaper report last week triggered a seismic jolt.
  severe jolt 0.46   That piece of information gave her a severe jolt of alarm.
  strong jolt 0.46   Aftershocks still rattled the area Monday but here were no strong jolts.
  sudden jolt 0.46   I stopped reading with a sudden mental jolt.
  bigger jolt 0.39   Individuals are taking even bigger jolts.
  initial jolt 0.39   But, also like Burns, Keenan has a history of wearing thin on his players after the initial jolt.
  major jolt 0.39   But it is a major jolt to the NFL.
  needed jolt 0.39   A Dole win would provide a much-needed jolt to his ailing campaign.
  next jolt 0.39   At least until the next jolt.
  powerful jolt 0.39   Abdullah said powerful jolts continued through the day.
  small jolt 0.39   Cheaper oil may also offer a disappointingly small jolt to the economy.
  unexpected jolt 0.39   Then the case got a completely unexpected jolt.
  additional jolt 0.33   This is not a new argument, simply one fueled with an additional jolt of reality Tuesday.
  electric jolt 0.33   In that process, doctors use electric jolts to restore normal heart rhythm.
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