hit jeep 0.86   Several Israeli soldiers were bruised after the Palestinian hit their jeep.
  pelt jeep 0.79   In the town of Jenin, youths pelted Israeli jeeps with stones.
  drive jeep 0.66   He drove a jeep, obeyed orders and earned Good Conduct medals.
  damage jeep 0.53   The bomb damaged a jeep but injured no one.
  destroy jeep 0.46   The jeep was destroyed.
  ambush jeep 0.39   Officials said seven of the victims died when their jeep was ambushed near the town of Buguey.
  have jeep 0.39   Banana Republic has a jeep.
  park jeep 0.33   An army jeep was parked outside their house.
  ram jeep 0.33   A Jewish settler told state radio the Palestinian pulled a pistol and began firing at troops after ramming the jeep.
  attack jeep 0.26   In Grozny, an army jeep was attacked, leaving troops dead and one wounded, the official said.
  blow jeep 0.26   Also on Thursday, a military jeep was blown up in the capital, killing one serviceman and wounding another, the official said.
  stone jeep 0.26   Abdullah Qarakra stoned the jeep on a main road near his village of Sinjil, the sources said.
  use jeep 0.26   The jeep had been used in the presidential campaign.
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