be involve 3.09   Can anything involving Ripken be normal?
  include involve 0.79   Department officials, including lawyers involved in the case, declined to comment.
  find involve 0.53   Two of them were found involved in piracy.
  hear involve 0.53   When they hear cases involving business interests, the judgements went for the businesspeople.
  make involve 0.53   In order to keep Boykins on the roster, a move needs to be made involving another player.
  arrest involve 0.46   When the plotters carried out their plan, the Shin Bet jumped in and dramatically arrested those involved.
  do involve 0.46   But doing that involves the use of expensive photographic paper.
  punish involve 0.46   At a meeting Sunday, Israel demanded the Palestinian Authority punish those involved in the shipment.
  get involve 0.39   Breathless rhetoric is what you get whenever government gets involved.
  handle involve 0.39   Even on Internet transactions, Kincaid said, there are extra handling costs involved.
  expand involve 0.33   The current scandal, however, has expanded to involve Roh and his aids, and is threatening to engulf Kim.
  investigate involve 0.33   That standard was applied as social workers investigated allegations involving six House of Prayer families, he said.
  report involve 0.33   No other vehicle was reported involved.
  decide involve 0.26   Around the country, blacks will be viewed suspiciously when juries are chosen to decide cases involving white victims, minority advocates said.
  discuss involve 0.26   Tzoganis, the Greek general staff chief, said they discussed issues involving NATO and other alliances.
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