regular interval 12.84   The code is reviewed at regular intervals.
  frequent interval 1.91   Trains rushed past at frequent intervals.
  brief interval 1.71   The sun shone for brief intervals throughout the day.
  short interval 1.45   After a short interval, the two came out again.
  irregular interval 1.38   Cars passed at irregular intervals.
  decent interval 1.18   After a decent interval, Mother dragged my father off to another room.
  long interval 1.18   That is an unreasonably long interval.
  longer interval 0.66   Then El Nino and La Nina will visit us at much longer intervals.
  sunny interval 0.66   Scotland mainly dry with sunny intervals.
  weekly interval 0.66   The designs will change location at four weekly intervals.
  different interval 0.53   She started and stopped at different intervals to mix things up.
  set interval 0.53   These fold out from set intervals on stout stems, forming small cups.
  monthly interval 0.46   Each session is spaced out at monthly intervals.
  same interval 0.46   Feed your puppy at the same regular intervals each day.
  hourly interval 0.39   Buses run at hourly intervals.
  blanking interval 0.33   The chips are hard-wired to recognize signals in specific places in the blanking interval.
  equal interval 0.33   Gradually work up to equal intervals of slow and vigorous exercise, Westcott suggests.
  first interval 0.33   Tom Koivisto and Tomi Kallio went on to add two more goals before the first interval.
  prescribed interval 0.33   The surveys will be repeated at prescribed intervals.
  shorter interval 0.33   As accuracy and speed increase, the pad is shown for shorter intervals of time.
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