rain interrupt 3.16   Rain has interrupted play at Wimbledon.
  station interrupt 1.84   TV stations interrupted programming to announce the news.
  television interrupt 1.58   Syrian television interrupted its programs to break the news.
  applause interrupt 1.51   Again, he was interrupted by applause.
  network interrupt 1.12   The big networks will interrupt their schedules for all those events.
  police interrupt 0.66   Police have interrupted the interviews to give him time to eat and sleep.
  injury interrupt 0.59   But injuries have interrupted recent seasons.
  president interrupt 0.59   President interrupts vacation to politic in Maine.
  man interrupt 0.53   A man calling outside interrupts.
  service interrupt 0.53   His time at USC was interrupted by service in World War II.
  voice interrupt 0.53   A little voice interrupts.
  woman interrupt 0.53   A woman nearby interrupted.
  member interrupt 0.46   Browner began to explain her position, but was interrupted by members of the audience.
  protester interrupt 0.46   Network engineers restored the program, but the protesters interrupted it three more times.
  commercial interrupt 0.39   The coverage is not interrupted by commercials.
  storm interrupt 0.39   The storm interrupted another solid round by Tiger Woods.
  strike interrupt 0.39   Networks are planning more reality shows and news programs in the event that a strike interrupts production of a series.
  phone interrupt 0.33   The phone interrupted my train of thought.
  problem interrupt 0.33   Family problems interrupted the project, however.
  protest interrupt 0.33   Holtz was interrupted by protests of the students.
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